Aspiring young food grower?  Come join the club!


Are you looking for a fun and educational way to get your kids, school or youth group outside and learning about food growing and the environment? Then look no further than our growers clubs. 

 Aimed at children aged 3 - 8, our programs are designed to teach children the basics of food growing and taking care of the planet, whilst also fostering a love of nature, science and the outdoors.  Through fun, hands-on activities, our clubs and events will teach children how to grow their own food, care for the environment, and build a more sustainable future.

What we cover:

  • Starting a garden - growing in different size spaces

  • Seed sowing and planting

  • Preparing the soil and composting

  • Saving water and watering

  • Plant conditions and protecting plants

  • Attracting wildlife

  • Harvesting and cooking

We offer a supportive and encouraging atmosphere, so that everyone can feel confident in their ability to grow some delicious, healthy food and make a positive impact on the world. 

Clubs run from March - November in Bedfordshire.  If you are a school or youth group based in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire or Buckinghamshire and would like to enquire about running a growers club then please email Laura at

Young Growers Club launch event

Young Growers Club launch event

We would like to invite you to a very special Young Growers Club launch event on Saturday 15th April.  As we start on this exciting adventure to build a community of young food growers, food growing educator and Young Growers Club founder, Laura, would like to invite you to a fun, educational event in her garden. 

Laura fell in love with food growing and gardening 6 years ago when her beloved son Arlo passed away. Gardening became her therapy and her garden a sanctuary.  Since then she has gone on to study practical horticulture with the RHS and continues to grow as much food as she can in her happy place. 

For this special event Laura, and her family, are inviting families to come and see where it all began.  They’ll be seed sowing, a bug hunt and a chance to see the Young Growers Club kits before anyone else!

Note: there will be a photograph present at this event

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